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Designed in house by the HobbyKing Enginerds, this handy power distribution board has the same foot print as our Multi-rotor control boards and is the ultimate solution for tidy power distribution wiring. Simply solder you power leads directly to the 。contact points on this board. The PCB contact points 。are gold plated for optimal efficiency.
Current: 。8 x 20A outputs (MAX)
Power input: 8 x 。contact 。points 。
Power 。output: 。8 x 。contact points
Dimensions: 50x50x2mm
Weight: 7.6g (PCB only)
會員名稱 | 購買數量 | 購買時間 | 訂單狀態 |
top***** | 1 | 12-29 | 成交 |