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GR4039This is the Windsor Balsa Stripper, ideal for the Scratch Builder! Features Engineered to accurately cut balsa sheets up to 1/4"。 thick into strips up to 1/2"。 wide. This design has a lead screw with 32 threads per inch so that each turn of the wheel will move the blade 1/32 of an inch. The cutting depth is also adjustable by micro-increments. Blade is replaceable. This stripper can be set up for left or right handed use.
會員名稱 | 購買數量 | 購買時間 | 訂單狀態 |
amo***** | 1 | 12-11 | 成交 |
mai***** | 2 | 08-07 | 成交 |
wad***** | 1 | 12-29 | 成交 |
bun***** | 1 | 11-09 | 成交 |
was***** | 1 | 02-23 | 成交 |
sim***** | 1 | 01-29 | 成交 |
pau***** | 1 | 01-09 | 成交 |
con***** | 1 | 01-09 | 成交 |
cru***** | 1 | 01-06 | 成交 |
a34***** | 0 | 12-17 | 成交 |