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起子握把部分總長為 95mm,適用一般人手掌大小,全金屬精緻柄身人體工學設計,握在手裡非常舒適,不易打滑,可以輕鬆的進行螺絲拆裝!!
此起子套裝組包含了 星型、三角形、三叉(Y型)、一字、十字等規格,適用於多數的 手機、鐘錶、硬碟等拆裝與維修,是非常適合 3C 專業人士使用的一組不可或缺工具利器!!
25pc Screw Driver Set with leather look a like carry case. This is a very neat set which is very well made and includes star, torx, philips, flat, triangle and Y adaptors, with this set you should be able to open just about anything.
會員名稱 | 購買數量 | 購買時間 | 訂單狀態 |
tai***** | 1 | 12-30 | 成交 |
dar***** | 1 | 09-04 | 成交 |
lyh***** | 1 | 09-03 | 成交 |
mp1***** | 1 | 11-09 | 成交 |
dge***** | 1 | 04-10 | 成交 |
lcw***** | 1 | 12-08 | 成交 |
jun***** | 1 | 01-17 | 成交 |
mes***** | 1 | 11-17 | 成交 |
lea***** | 1 | 10-30 | 成交 |
sik***** | 1 | 08-15 | 成交 |