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NEMESIS 正廠 240 穿越摺疊機架(玻纖)

  • 商品貨號:GR6047-24
    商品庫存: 10+  
  • 商品品牌:NEMESIS
  • 商品點擊數:6093 累計售出:1
  • 本店售價:$3950元
    會員評價: comment rank 5
  • 商品總價:
    購買此商品可獲得積分:395 紅利
  • 購買數量:
    可用紅利折抵部分現金:39500 紅利
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Standard Frame features:
-Vibration free separated Clean and Dirty sections for smooth video recording
-Instantly fully inward fold-able quad for easy pack and go and crash protection
-Lightweight frame design but still able to take hard hits
-Unique custom folding and extending arm mechanism allows both 5"。 and 6"。 props
-4 predefined flight configurations for wings, X compact, H compact, X extended, Superman
-Alignment/locking holes for H in 5"。, X in 5"。, X in 6"。
-Unique ability to dirty or clean mount your flight controller (supports 45mm and below FCs)
-2 Stage Bobbin travel limiter
-Built in Mobius/GoPro1-3+ mounts integrated into frame and accessories
-Dedicated Board Camera and rear bulkhead plates
-Accessory Shelf with 3 mounting positions, (you can use up to 3 at once)
-Extension plate for mounting Mobius, GoPro, InfinityCam One, CCD flight cam out front, bolts in 2 locations
-Multiple SMA jack mounts including a unique rear bulkhead mount
-Extended lower front spoiler on dirty section for frontal crash impact absorption
-Intelligent Electronics management: tons of options for mounting electronics including Buzzers, Strobes, leds, voltage readers, OSD, access Mobius buttons when mounted inside frame, etc
-Clean wiring, all ESCs mount inside center frame as well as flight controller, fits Bt408 mini PDB perfectly inside
-Battery can be top mounted or mounted inside the clean section
-Integrated mounting points (2 locations) for Landing Gear/Standoffs
-Optional upgrades TBA later

The standard frame kit includes:
-1 Top Clean Plate (1mm)
-1 Bottom Clean Plate (1mm)
-1 Top Dirty Plate (1.5mm)
-1 Bottom Dirty Plate (1.5mm)
-4 Adjustable extending Arms (3mm)
-1 CCD Camera Plate (1mm)
-1 Rear Bulkhead Plate (1mm)
-1 Stacking Accessory Shelf/Plate (1mm)
-1 Camera front Extension Plate (1.5mm)
-All hardware required to assemble frame

4 x M4x14mm (arms)
4 x M4 Nylock Nuts (arms)
4 x M2X10mm (Dirty Section)
4 x M2 Standard or Nylock Nuts (dirty section)
4 x High Quality Vibration Dampers
8 x M3 Standard Nuts (bobbins)
16 x M3x6 or M3x8 button head (clean section)
8 x M3x35mm standoffs (clean section)
4 x M2x3mm spacers (dirty section)

Recommended Equipment:
Motors:1806 2300kv (3s-4s) 。 or 。2204 2300kv
ESCs: 10~12A
Prop: 。5030、5045、6045
Flight Controller: Naze32 Acro, OP CC3D

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