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RunCam-II 二代 1440P/4MP/120度 WIFI 版 FPV 高清攝影機(銀色)

  • 商品貨號:GR7263-02
    商品庫存: 10+  
  • 商品品牌:RunCAM
  • 商品點擊數:8316 累計售出:3
  • 本店售價:$3050元
    會員評價: comment rank 5
  • 商品總價:
    購買此商品可獲得積分:305 紅利
  • 購買數量:
    可用紅利折抵部分現金:30500 紅利
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Born for RC fanatics, the RunCam2 has a richer, sharper and more detailed image quality compared to other action cameras.
Utilising video compression technology and having more efficient battery usage than its predecessors, you still get up to 90 minutes of operating time with the RunCam2 while taking advantage of its many features.
The casing of the unit features RF noise suppression to effectively reduce RF noise from and to other electronic equipment.
Generations on from the standard "。808 key chain"。 type cameras, the RunCam2 FPV camera utilises the new F2.8 aperture aspherical glass lens. 。 This lens has a 120-degree field of view, reduces image distortion and halo effect to ensure that images and video are sharper and more natural than ever before. When this is combined with the FPV customized lens hood for better protection the lens against stray light and glare, you have a high performance FPV camera that sets the standard for others to follow.
Not only does the RunCam 2 perform like a thoroughbred, it looks like one too with its PC/ABS blend thermoplastic case for improved durability and UV resistance.
To increase the versatility of the camera even further, the Runcam2 is WiFi supported to allow you to connect the camera via a mobile device via the iOS and Android app for live preview, playback, downloading and to set the camera parameters.

&bull。 WiFi supported
&bull。 RF supressing PCB
&bull。 Ergonomic case and button design
&bull。 High viz LED light ring
&bull。 Up to 1440p
&bull。 120°。 FOV lens
&bull。 Uses Novatek NT96650 DSP, which is low-power DSP combined with H.264 video compression technology.
&bull。 Up to 90 minutes operating time
&bull。 Supports up to 64Gb micro SD card
&bull。 Audio and Video out available

Video format: 1440p@30fps/1080p@60fps/720p@120fps
Battery: 850mah
Video storage: Micro SD Cards up to 64GB class 6 min (not included)
FOV: 120°。 lens
Microphone: built in
Photo resolution: 4MP
Video Output: NTSC/PAL
Operating voltage: 5V
Operating current: 600mA
Dimensions: 66 x 38 x 21mm
Weight: 49g (including battery)

1 x RunCam2 HD camera
1 x USB ->。 Silicone A/V cable for live FPV feed
1 x mounting sleeve (base)
1 x USB cable (data / charge)
1 x Tether cable
2 x Hook &。 loop mounting pads

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