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Lumenier 4040 四葉/穿越機正反槳(粉紅/2對裝)

  • 商品貨號:GR7598-01
    商品庫存: 10+  
  • 商品品牌:Lumenier
  • 商品點擊數:4218 累計售出:14
  • 本店售價:$195元
    會員評價: comment rank 5
  • 商品總價:
    購買此商品可獲得積分:20 紅利
  • 購買數量:
    可用紅利折抵部分現金:1950 紅利
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Lumenier FPV Racing Propellers 4040 4-Blade Pink (CW/CCW) (2 Pairs)

FPV Drone Racing and Freestyle flying require high-quality propellers that ensure optimal thrust, efficiency and top-end speed to allow pilots to consistently perform at their best.
Lumenier prop design starts from the ground up, considering flight speed, blade RPM and other factors to optimize each profile. 。 Leveraging a proprietary algorithm, each prop has a unique airfoil and blade design, rather than using the same blade and duplicating them on double, triple or quad-bladed props. This leads to subtle, yet important, performance improvements that can mean the difference between a win or a DNF on race day.

These props are made of virtually unbreakable glass reinforced polycarbonate which has become the new standard for racing props because you no longer need to worry if you clip a gate or hit the ground hard as the chances are if you land the right way up you will be good to go again. We've even seen props bent at 90°。 to the horizontal flick back to position with a quick squeeze of the throttle and go on to finish the race.

Lumenier props will be the only props you ever need for serious FPV racing because they are the first props to offer high-performance thrust characteristics combined with super-tough glass reinforced polycarbonate

 Size: 4040 (4.0"。 x 4.0"。)
 Color: Pink
 Hub: 5mm
 Material: Glass reinforced polycarbonate
 Weight: 4.2g

 2 x CW rotation
 2 x CCW rotation
 (一包 2正2反,剛好一台四軸分)

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