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GR7948-01Are you building a mini quad and are looking for a set of brushed motors? 。
Then these powerful motors are ideal for this application.
This pack of four is excellent value.
These motors come with timing set to suit their rotation:
KV: 52000rpm
Max Current: 300mA
Idle Current: 280mA
Cable length: 130mm
Shaft: 1.0mm
Diameter: 8.5mm
Length: 20mm
Weight: 5.3g
會員名稱 | 購買數量 | 購買時間 | 訂單狀態 |
sys***** | 1 | 12-26 | 成交 |
gio***** | 1 | 09-24 | 成交 |
www***** | 1 | 08-13 | 成交 |
j71***** | 1 | 03-01 | 成交 |
aws***** | 1 | 04-08 | 成交 |
f32***** | 1 | 09-03 | 成交 |
drd***** | 1 | 07-24 | 成交 |
can***** | 1 | 01-09 | 成交 |
he0***** | 2 | 06-17 | 成交 |
rae***** | 2 | 10-17 | 成交 |