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Futaba 12K+R3008SB 2.4G 12動遙控器(NCC認證/公司貨)

  • 商品貨號:FB-12K-02
    商品庫存: 10+  
  • 商品品牌:Futaba
  • 商品點擊數:5109 累計售出:1
  • 本店售價:$11500元
    會員評價: comment rank 5
  • 商品總價:
    購買此商品可獲得積分:750 紅利
  • 購買數量:
    可用紅利折抵部分現金:115000 紅利
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保證 NCC 認證合格的公司貨!!

NCC 認證編號 CCAO18LP0030T1

The 12K combines first-class performance with incredible versatility to create a system that's easy to operate, yet feature-packed! Available in systems perfectly matched for airplanes, helis and gliders, the 12K is also compatible with multi-rotors, so pilots get the best of all worlds.
Equipped with the rock-solid Futaba S-FHSS and T-FHSS protocols, the 12K is compatible with almost a dozen different Futaba receivers to suit modelers' needs. The 12K can transmit and receive telemetry data via the T-FHSS protocol. Simply install Futaba telemetry sensors (sold separately) to monitor flight data, receive alerts while in flight and more. These sensors allow pilots to keep track of battery voltage, altitude, speed and other key flight functions.
In addition to telemetry, the 12K can be used with S.Bus2 gear to add multiple servos, gyros and more to set-ups with fewer cables. Pilots with non-telemetry set-ups can take advantage of the interference-free S-FHSS protocol. A large, backlit LCD screen, expandable 30-model memory, a 6V 1800mAh NiMH battery and charger are just a few more of the features the 12K has to offer.
Choose from airplane and heli 12K systems with the R3008SB telemetry receiver included. FPV/drone pilots will appreciate the lightweight, compact R3001SB FPV drone receiver optimized for their applications.

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