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輸入電壓 。。 :3.3V -25V
電流: 2A
重量:6g左右減少電池,插頭等帶來的紋波讓視頻更加清晰,比如您的 機器人或者無人機 用12V 供電給馬達同事
給 攝像機供電,此時LC 濾波能有限 減少視頻紋波,過濾干擾。航拍必備。Max. 25V inputMaximal current: 2AVery low voltage drop
Compact, lightweight power supply filter with switch, helps clean up dirty DC output jitter that often causes lines in wireless video images. The filter is an LC type that uses large value inductor and capacitor components.
會員名稱 | 購買數量 | 購買時間 | 訂單狀態 |
mon***** | 2 | 06-09 | 成交 |
sb2***** | 1 | 07-11 | 成交 |
gsy***** | 2 | 06-16 | 成交 |
abs***** | 2 | 11-08 | 成交 |
air***** | 2 | 05-24 | 成交 |
tan***** | 1 | 05-24 | 成交 |
z09***** | 1 | 05-13 | 成交 |